The Start.
01. Setting Up!
The biggest mistake we see any business make is how long they take to get things perfect. Things will never be perfect. The website that we are building for ourselves, right now, will have many aspects that we’d want to change tomorrow!
However, to new visitors, the only thing that they care about: “Is it satisfying me, as a result of what I searched for?”
Going Live Timeframe.
02. Purpose
The longer you take to go live, the longer you have cost yourself in lack of sales. After all, your site will need regular stock updates – visual & content tweaks can be done then. What else do you need to get right?
You would need to have done thorough research to ethically and genuinely justify why your price is right. Even if your product is unique to your brand, there is always something comparable elsewhere.
More Appearances = More Sales.
03. Marketing
There is no miraculous solution regarding Websites v/s Appearances. The more your website appears in related search results, the more likely a proportion of those who see it will click on it. Not having a budget to circulate your website across prominent Search Engines & Social Media means that you just have a website. It will not fulfil its prupose; which is to be seen by enough people so that it can sell enough products for the exercise to be a viable ‘commerce’ medium.